How does our organization get started with Technology First Accreditation?

Simple - just reach out to SHIFT via email ( or by phone (888-542-1033 extension 401).

Our organization has earned SHIFT Accreditation but it will expire soon. What can we expect during the reaccreditation process?

The reaccreditation process is nearly identical to the accreditation process with the following exception - reaccrediting organizations are not subject to the 3 month minimum implementation phase. Reaccrediting organization also receive a discounted rate on the accreditation application fee.

What happens if a credentialed or certified staff leaves our organization?

Accredited organizations are required to provide updated learner lists every 6 months. If a credentialed or certified staff member leaves your organization, you will remove him or her from your learner list and enroll another staff member in the appropriate SHIFT program. An individual's SHIFT certification belongs to them and goes with them to their position at a new employer.

Does our organization need to make a decision about accreditation right away? 

No. Your organization can hold off on making a decision about pursuing accreditation until your staff members have completed their credential and/or certificate programs. As long as the required minimum of credentialed and certified staff members is met, you can begin the accreditation process at any time.

Will there be any ongoing costs associated with maintaining our accreditation?

Possibly. If your organization chooses to allow staff to seek continuing education hours outside of SHIFT, there could be additional expenses incurred. Also, each two years accreditation must be renewed with a renewal fee.