“The main shift I have made personally has been a shift in mindset. I feel like we tend to think in terms of big changes when technology is so much more than that. It's important to know that people can start small. They don't have to live with reduced staff hours to have success or gain independence through the use of technology. It can be as simple as using a device to use voice to control their environment. Then we can work up from there.”

— ET Navigator Participant

“As we started encouraging and utilizing enabling technology in our agency, the importance of education became quickly apparent and made a significant difference in cases where everyone was educated along the way. These courses helped me know how to educate everyone on the team, and help everyone stay on the same page.”

— ETIS Participant

“I think the biggest shift for us was to recognize that ‘anything is possible.’ If enough people come together with one goal of helping a person to live the life that they want to live, then magic happens. Enabling and assistive technology is just one piece of that magic that has the potential of creating wonderful opportunities for individuals to live the life that they want.”

— Leadership Participant

“I now discuss technology with everyone as a resource to meet their needs. I start small and then build onto this type of support once self-advocates, families, and guardians become familiar and comfortable with the use of technology.”

— ET Navigator Participant

“As a result of this project, I am equipped with more tools to support people to live to their full potential. I am excited about technology providing opportunities to enable people we serve to have choices supporting them to successfully live the life they choose.”

— ETIS Participant

“The shift that I made was a deeper commitment to technology. Seeing the excitement as well as the peace of mind that some of the technology brought to our self-advocates made me more invested in successfully integrating technology into our current programs.”

— Leadership Participant